
  • Anyone may apply for any of the vacancies listed on the website: applicants do not need to be attached in any way to a member school.
  • However, only member schools of the Governing Body Foundation may place advertisements on our website.

Applicants Please Note:

  • The Governing Body Foundation does not employ school staff: in offering this service we are simply advertizing vacancies on behalf of member schools, and all contact with the school, requests for further information and the submission of applications must be routed to the school itself at the addresses provided in the advertisement, and NOT TO THE GOVERNING BODY FOUNDATION
  • Please note that the Governing Body Foundation is a voluntary-membership service organization for schools: it has neither the resources nor the capacity to manage the documentation of applicants, nor a database of those who may be seeking employment in schools or elsewhere in the education sector, and can therefore not accept CVs directly from prospective employees.
  • Responding to an advertisement placed on this website does not constitute an official application for the post concerned. It is an initial expression of interest, and in the case of all departmental posts in public schools, a formal application to the provincial department will have to be submitted when the position is officially advertised by the Department concerned.
  • The Governing Body Foundation is not in a position to forward submitted applications to the schools concerned, and will not be doing so.

Advertisers (i.e. schools and governing bodies) Please Note:

Conditions and logistics are as follows:

  • Schools will be allowed to place a single A4-sized advertisement in the form, shape, colour and wording that suits them best.
    The advertisement must be delivered to the Governing Body Foundation per e-mail and in PDF format.
  • It may be submitted and will be placed as soon as the school is ready to start looking at the field.
  • At the outset we will be accepting advertisements for posts in three categories only — those of Department Head, Deputy Head and Head/Principal.
  • The advertisement will remain accessible to searchers and visitors on the site (not just members, but all who visit) until the closing date of the official advertisement. (Should schools wish the advertisement to be removed earlier than this, they should e-mail the Governing Body Foundation on the day it is required to be removed.)
  • The advertisement must provide the contact details of the person to whom responses/applications must be sent, and from whom further information can be obtained. The Governing Body Foundation will not accept or forward applications, nor answer questions relating to the post.
  • In provinces where it is feasible to do so, it is suggested that schools give an indication of the date of publication of the official vacancy list in which the post will be advertised, and the likely closing date for formal applications.
Please note that while the Governing Body Foundation will do its best to ensure that the service is fully functional, it cannot offer any guarantees around placement, access or the accuracy of any of the advertisements placed by schools, and accepts no liability in any regard to matters related to this service.